This CrisisElemental is a submission for Ludum Dare 55. View all gamesView submission


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Muito bom, desafiante demais

Caraaa, no começo eu joguei tranquilo e calmo kkk
no fim eu tava puto, óo fogo que não apaga kkk mano, parabens.!!

Incrivel game, espero que nos proximos eu possa contribuir contigo tmj!!

A challenging  game.  I had to tried for a fews times to get it right.

Once the fire starts to get bigger and you can no longer see the paths to follow, you become very anxious to try and put out the fire quickly.

very intriguing, congrats!

Jogo aparentemente simples porem desafiador, prende a atenção, tentei algumas vezes até conseguir salvar a família haha, parabéns pelo primeiro projeto, fiquei feliz demais de poder ser uma das primeiras jogadoras do seu game, isso com certeza vai ficar na nossa história, te desejo todo sucesso do mundo. 

(1 edit)

Wow! It's fantastic! The game is complete!!! How incredible!

It has a main menu, storyline, tutorial, frantic gameplay, the soundtrack, and the character moving from side to side convey an incredible sense of urgency. I started playing slowly, but soon switched to hardcore mode because the flames were intense!

With 3D and 2D work, particle effects, sound effects, victory and defeat screens, and incredible art... Oh my god!! I have no words to express how happy I am to see your fantastic achievement with this game! It will undoubtedly mark a stage in our lives, which we will always fondly remember with emotion when we revisit this memory.

Thank you for the incredible gaming experience. 

Thank you for the words and all the support throughout the process, you are amazing!!!